Installation of Accordion Door at Sta. Mesa Manila

Installed Accordion Door at Sta. Mesa Manila Philippines

Nowadays, modern homes like condos and apartments do not have abundant space area and using ordinary door can consume a lot of space. If you wish to maximize the area of your room for your furniture and wish that every nook or space is efficiently used, then it is the time for you to replace your traditional door into a folding door. These space-saving folding doors of DS Windows and Walls offer several advantages. Folding door or accordion door can render an impressive appearance to your home and at the same time consumed less space while functioning. It is made up of PVC materials and available in a wide variety of colors and designs ranging from ordinary style to a more classic one which consist of a glass materials. It requires less maintenance and very sturdy and durable. It can be installed one way or split-type according to your requirements. For wide doors, split-type is recommended, however, for narrow one, one-way will do.

One of our customers from Sta. Mesa, Manila opted for a white ash color of accordion door and one-way installation. For her limited space, folding door is a great choice. It also look very classic and worth spending due to its several benefits offer. For more information and inquiries, call us at (02) 403-3262 or 0916-311-3909, or email us at You may visit also our show room at 4th floor Waltermart Center, Makati City for the actual samples of our products.

